Why am I in Love with Digital Marketing?

Arum Karunianti
3 min readFeb 5, 2020
Image via VectorJuice on Freepik

Digital Marketing. My first and current profession. Um, maybe it will be forevermore.

I can’t remember the day I liked this field correctly. Let’s say; my capital is only a mini-thesis. At that time, my mini-thesis was about Cyber ​​Branding — that was the term in my course.

Cyber ​​Branding a.k.a Digital Marketing has attracted my interest since the very first time I heard the name. Maybe semester 4, 5, or 6, forget. I insist on having to write it in my mini-thesis. Just have to.

Once, I applied for a job at Tokopedia. I want to research Digital Marketing at Tokopedia. I was rejected. I failed to pursue a career there.

I found local e-commerce that might be suitable for me to work there while making it an object of research. Alhamdulillah. Gratefully, I was accepted. It’s called Aremafood, an e-commerce that sells typical food online. Now it’s out of business.

There, I did my mini-thesis while doing my work related to digital marketing. I wrote articles, become customer service, optimized websites, and social media, etc.

I graduated with the mini-thesis I wrote according to my interests. And continuing to work, became a very significant stepping stone for me. I was in a fixed-line: Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing meme
Images via Pinterest

I am very loyal to this field — more than my loyalty to my mate at that time, LOL. Until even my second office, I remained in the position of Digital Marketing. It was cooler and the tasks that I did is more specific.

The tools I use were more prestigious. I wrote articles, created strategies, activate Instagram, organize webinars, compile neater reports, and so on.

Only 5.5 months in my second office. A cloud technology company. Aha, I haven’t mentioned what the company is. It’s Eikon.

I docked at my third office, which in my opinion, is the most comfortable, so far. The company system and working hours are very flexible. An office that makes my skills improve I guess.

It’s Breadnbeyond, an award-winning explainer video company. Better in terms of a digital marketing strategy than my two previous offices. More challenging and better on any side, of course.

I learned a lot of tools and strategies. Here, what I do is inbound marketing, outreach, guest posting, YouTube SEO, and others.

With this digital marketing skill as well, I can pursue a career as a freelancer. FYI, I’m a freelance content writer and social media manager. If you need these services, just let me know.

The most exciting thing about Digital Marketing that I love is: I’m married to a digital marketer.

Yup! This phenomenon is surprising. But this is real.

I know him through the internet. Not a matchmaking application. But Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, and WhatsApp facilitate us.

MashAllah, Alhamdulillah for everything. Genuinely, almighty Allah unites two beings.

When I write this story, I was pregnant at the age of six months. I miss my baby every single day. I look forward to his/her presence.

Will he/she love the same field as his/her Mum and Dad? Haha, who knows. Hopefully, he/she is born healthy and perfect.

Well, my love for digital marketing can disappear at any time. But for my baby, I guarantee it will last forever :)

